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For sale is a rare thumbnail Japan-law twin amethyst quartz crystal from a new locality in Afghanistan. The specimen is professionally mounted in a pedestal-style perky box. A specimen label is included.
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This is a rare thumbnail Japan-law twin amethyst quartz crystal from a relatively unknown locality in Afghanistan. The specimen is professionally mounted in a pedestal-style perky box. A specimen label is included.
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For sale is a rare thumbnail Japan-law twin amethyst quartz crystal from a relatively unknown locality in Afghanistan. The specimen is professionally mounted in a pedestal-style perky box. A specimen label is included.
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Rare Japan-law twin quartz cluster from Denny Mountain, Washington. Adularia is associated. Visit my Denny Mountain page at Washington Minerals for more information about this mineral occurence.
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For sale is a rare and highly collectible specimen of Japan-law twin quartz from a famous Northwest locality. The specimen is 3.1 cm from ear to ear and is included with hematite (see photo). The inclusions are visible and reflect if you hold the crystal at an angle. The specimen is mounted on a pedestal-style polished acrylic base with removable mineral tack. A specimen label is included. Visit my Denny Mountain page at Washington Minerals for more information about this mineral occurence.
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Good size, rare gemmy Japan-law twin quartz crystal from Mt Teneriffe near North Bend, Washington. The twin is in excellent shape with a fracture surface at base of crystal where it detatched from its matrix. Visit my Mount Teneriffe page at Washington Minerals for more information about this mineral occurence. Visit my Mount Teneriffe page at Washington Minerals for more information about this mineral occurence.
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For sale is a rare thumbnail Japan-law twin quartz crystal from a relatively unknown locality in Afghanistan. The Japan-Law twin ehhibits a double terminated amethyst overgrowth over one of the ears. One side of the twin is partially coated in a clay mineral. The specimen is professionally mounted in a pedestal-style perky box. A specimen label is included.
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