Image contribution for this website comes from various sources. Photos and images may not be used without the express permission of the photographer.

Special thanks to the contributors of this website:

Michael Bailey, field collector
Britttany Burkhardt, field collector, organizer of the annual Seattle Mineral Market!
Bart Cannon, Thank you for your unparalleled passion and contributions to the mineral community!
John Cornish, field collector
Randy Becker, knowledgeable field collector, expert on Washington Pass mineralogy
Jim Browne, geologist and collector, provided support for Pend Oreille Mine page
Gabe Cangelosi, for the many adventures exploring and collecting and for contributing specimens to photograph
Nick Carlson, photographer and field collector
Rick Dillhoff, paleobotanist and field collector
Joe George of Cascade Scepters
Mitchell Fund, musician and field collector
Eric He, field collector
Eli Hess, field collector, photographer
Jesse Hoffman, field collector
Nathan Jaskela, field collector
Saul Krotki, Seattle mineral artist specializing in micromount photography
Max Larsen, field collector
Rob Lavinsky of The Arkenstone
John Lindell, renowned Northwest field collector who allowed me to photograph select specimens from his outstanding Washington state mineral collection
Brittney Muzzy Lynn, field collector
Douglas Merson for contributing some wonderful photographs to the site
Darren Moore, adventurer
Sal Noeldner, field collector
Markus Raschke, field collector
Toby Seim, field collector
Cory Torpin, field collector
Dylan Trevors field collector and owner of Great Northern Minerals (Instagram page)

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